Please come early to set up.
Painting begins promptly at the listed classtime.
Grumbacher Academy Acrylic Starter Kit
(bring all paints & brushes in kit)
contains 2 brushes, 2 canvases, 4 full size tubes of paint & a large palette knife($49.99,use a coupon!)
Additional paints I suggest:
cadmium yellow medium or process yellow,
paynes grey, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber, orange, hookers green, black if you have it.
Canvas or canvas board size:
Additional suggested items:
--Strathmore Acrylic Palette paper pad (yellow)
--set of tall, white, bristle brushes in plastic tube. contains 20 brushes & a canvas brush holder.
- A small (metal or plastic) bent palette knife is handy. The one in the kit is so huge!
--A good, thin liner brush AND other brushes you have, flats, rakes, angles, rounds etc.
--Graphite paper (black), stylus, tape & ruler.
If graphite paper is new, wipe off black side really well with tissues or paper towel before class.
--paper towels !!!
*ALWAYS BRING YOUR PAID RECEIPT or your online registration confirmation paper.