Suggested Items you may want to get:
Grumbacher Academy Acrylics
Paint colors:
Cadmium red light
Cad yellow medium
Thalo Blue
Alizarin Crimson
Hookers Green (or a mix)
Dioxazine Purple or Deep Violet(or a mix)
Raw Sienna
Orange (or a mix)
also the colors in your Grumbacher starter kit.
*Yellow palette paper pad
*paper towels
*black graphite paper & stylus
*All of your brushes
(an assortment is nice to have:
a good thin liner, the 2 brushes that
came with your kit + whatever flats, rounds, filberts, set of stiff bristle brushes that come in a plastic tube with a canvas brush holder(20 brushes for $8.99) & angles that you have)
*canvas (I used 9x12 but 11x14 would work also. (I will make a couple larger
patterns if you wish to make cottage larger).
APRIL 15 5:30-8:30 OR APRIL 16 10-1)