Surface & Prep: Surface must be at least 24” wide and at least 6” high. I used a canvas 12 x 24”.
(The picture above would be only 4 1/2" high.)
Other surfaces that would work: A wooden board (*see special prep), or a banner made from Roc Lon (off white room darkening material 54" wide sold by the yard.) from the "other store". It’s very cool to paint on & needs no hemming. You can paint on either side. Allow room for a sleeve (can glue) to put in a wooden dowel at top.
If painting wood: Do these steps: Sand (use 220 grit sanding with the wood grain lines), dust off, apply a coat of decoart multi-purpose sealer. (we sell 2 oz size). Sand again lightly. Apply one solid, smooth basecoat of the paint color, Sand again, Apply 2nd basecoat.
Basecoat before class: Needs to be smooth and have solid coverage. (Might need 2 coats)
Dry and touch up if needed.
I mixed: 1 part paynes grey + 5 parts white + 7 parts Cobalt blue. (my part was about the size of a lima bead).
Make enough for entire surface.
Bring all acrylic brushes that you have. Also: